Flamenco rhythms were for a long time a hard to get, well-hidden knowledge, not to be shared with outsiders.
Times have changed. Now, we can enjoy a good variety of educational resources...
Are you finding yourself lately spending more and more time in front of screens? You know,...
There are Skirt Dances in many cultures around the world. My specialty is in Spanish Skirt Dance, also known as Flamenco Skirt Dance. Another popular name for this type of dancing is Gypsy Skirt...
Webster’s dictionary defines Flamenco both as a style of music as well as a style of dance.
Rightly so, because Flamenco is not just one performing art form, but several of them, which are...
Tradition is defined by the dictionary as the handing down of knowledge, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction.
Every year the New York Dance Parade brings together thousands of dancers in a fun and glorious dance festival that celebrates diversity and the unity of all people. We fill the streets of...
Join me in Madrid, at the historic Flamenco studios "Amor de Dios" and enjoy with me the great honor of interviewing José...
As a dancer, I think a lot about postural alignment and not only when I am on the stage, but also in everyday life, which is when I have to challenge myself to remember what muscles to engage in...