As a dancer, I think a lot about postural alignment and not only when I am on the stage, but also in everyday life, which is when I have to challenge myself to remember what muscles to engage in keeping the right posture.
Whether you are a dancer or not, the truth is that walking into a room exuding confidence and charisma is closely related to our postural alignment. Our posture is unconsciously perceived by people before we even say a word.
In this brief video, explore with me how Flamenco dancers engage one very special muscle called the Transversus Abdominis, our deepest abdominal muscle, which can help up maintain a fabulous postural alignment. This in turn, will not only help us prevent pain, but also can boost our confidence and mood.
Today, I was reading an article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, at the U.S. National Library of Medicine stating that core training is crucial to improve muscle strength and maintain dynamic postural equilibrium.
This simple postural alignment awareness exercise that I share with you in this brief video can be practiced standing, walking, dancing, and even seating.
I hope you’ll enjoy connecting with your inner core!
Much love always,
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