Some years ago, a little girl in a village in Spain, when she was alone, often danced a once-forbidden dance, while daydreaming that upon growing up she will become a professional dancer and perform in far-away lands for amazing people who were changing the world.
Well, let me tell you something most people don’t know… that little girl is yours truly, the once-forbidden dance is Zambra Mora, and the dream has come true!
As you can see in this video, my childhood dream came true when I was invited as a Special Guest Performer for my beloved and revered teacher Deepak Chopra’s fabulous event in New York City!
I am convinced that dancing authentic Zambra
has a magical power that can unfold your destiny in your mind’s eye.
While the Zambra became an art in danger of extinction as Flamenco turned into a footwork-based dance form, I became a professional dancer devoted to rescuing and passing down the Zambra tradition.
Now, I often receive emails and Facebook messages from dancers interested in advancing their dance careers by studying Lunaris Feminine Flamenco™. I also receive many questions about the history of Zambra Mora.
Yes, I have been asked many times to share my 25 years of extensive research by teaching a course on the history of Zambra Mora. But I always hesitated because it is a painful history of prohibitions and persecutions that my ancestors endured and I wish I didn't have to remember it.
However, Zambra is also the history of the triumph of the human spirit and how dance & music can help us not only survive, but even thrive, through the worst of times!
So, finally, I decided to create that long-awaited course sharing the history of Zambra, my cultural heritage, and the research I conducted while earning my BA in Dance Education and Spanish Language & Culture from the State University of New York.
This is an engaging multimedia experience that includes videos, fascinating interviews, music, art work, rare photographs, old film, and more! (I am glad I was able to put to good use what I learned in my Master in Digital Media from New York University)
Click here if you want to discover the history of Zambra Mora and enjoy this unique multimedia experience filled with powerful inspirations about renewal, resilience, and reinvention.
Love always,
Now in the Making...
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to a fascinating video about
Flamenco Christmas origins