7 Essential Rhythmic Concepts in Flamenco

Flamenco rhythms were for a long time a hard to get, well-hidden knowledge, not to be shared with outsiders.

Times have changed. Now, we can enjoy a good variety of educational resources...


What is Flamenco? Cante, Baile, Toque, and More...

Webster’s dictionary defines Flamenco both as a style of music as well as a style of dance.

Rightly so, because Flamenco is not just one performing art form, but several of them, which are...


Traditional vs. Theatrical Flamenco Dance

Tradition is defined by the dictionary as the handing down of knowledge, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction.



Fascinating Interviews: Flamenco Rites


How the Most Legendary Flamenco TV Show in History Was Made

Join me in Madrid, at the historic Flamenco studios "Amor de Dios" and enjoy with me the great honor of interviewing José...


Flamenco Queer - The New Yorker Documentary


Women have been dancing masculine Flamenco since the 1800s. On the other hand, men dancing feminine Flamenco has been a taboo until recently.

The famed Manuel Liñán's...


Fascinating Interviews: The Mystery of Bulerías




Every culture has a way of relating to the unknown, the unpredictable, and the mysterious. In the US, we have Halloween, a time when we are willing...


What Do You Want To Know About Flamenco?


This winter, I am researching in Spain, my native homeland.

My research is not only for myself, it is to be shared with the international community of Flamenco lovers.

If you have a question,...


Gypsy Children Singing & Dancing

In 1994 I began The Chanelar Flamenco Project as part of Dances of the World Society's focus on preserving aspects of  Flamenco in danger of extinction, specially the oral tradition.

I am...


In Memoriam: La Faraona

It has been my greatest honor and joy to have the remarkable Gitana dancer from Sevilla, Pilar "La Faraona" be my friend and a very significant person in my life.

She was the daughter of my mentor...


Fascinating Interviews: Farruco Family - Jorge El Canastero

In this video, enjoy with me a delightful Spring night in Seville (Spain), right outside the Museo del Baile Flamenco, nearby the world famous Giralda Tower.

I am interviewing the awesome gypsy...

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