Let me give you a tour of the Andalusian Flamenco Documentation Center in Jerez de la Frontera, which is hosted in a remarkable palace from the 18th century, within walking distance from my home.
This is one of the many fascinating places we visit during my Flamenco Immersions in Spain. This virtual tour is also unique because at the time of this filming they had a captivating exhibition about flamenco in the 1800s, that Romantic Era that changed the cultural landscape of Western Civilization.
I love the work of the Romantic intellectuals, painters, and musicians. They brought the beauty and exoticism of Spain to the world. Some people criticize the Romantics for being too idealistic, but I love them because they created a cultural revolution!
They reacted to the Industrial Revolution, which was hitting Europe hard. People were living in slums in the harshest conditions. Kids, as young as six, were working from 4am to 9pm in dark factories and mills. The Romantics brought back the joy of life. They satisfied the need for fantasy, much needed for people to renew themselves.
I can see how this Romantic "Revolution" has been extended and inherited by Pop Culture in the 21st century. We still need to go beyond the mundane aspects of daily life, the ordinary, to experience the realms of the extraordinary.
This is why I decided to offer very unique Flamenco Immersions in Spain, to welcome you in my home country and open the doors of a hidden Spain to you, so you can experience the same magic that great intellectuals, painters, musicians, and adventurous travelers of the Romantic Era were able to access.
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Flamenco Christmas origins